Shadows of Brimstone: The Ancient One – XXL Deluxe Enemy Pack Expansion

Shadows of Brimstone: The Ancient One – XXL Deluxe Enemy Pack Expansion

RRP: £44.99
Now £34.75(SAVE 22%)
RRP £44.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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The Ancient One is a massive XXL Enemy that rivals Beli’al, both in size and theme! He is a terrifying foe to behold that can alter reality out from under the Heroes – shifting time, re-writing history, and breaking open portals to other dimensions during the fight. Sweeping his monstrous Sword of Felg’nar with every attack, The Ancient One can easily slash through entire …
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Category SKU ZBG-FFP07DE08 Availability Backorder
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The Ancient One is a massive XXL Enemy that rivals Beli’al, both in size and theme! He is a terrifying foe to behold that can alter reality out from under the Heroes - shifting time, re-writing history, and breaking open portals to other dimensions during the fight. Sweeping his monstrous Sword of Felg’nar with every attack, The Ancient One can easily slash through entire groups of Heroes in one fell strike. He also comes with a deck of Ancient Doom cards that give him a motivation for why he has emerged from the Void to crush the Heroes. One of these cards is drawn whenever The Ancient One enters play, and gives a thematic reasoning for his attack, a special bonus to The Ancient One himself, and alters the ‘End of Mission’ Failure and Rewards for the current Mission being played.