Shades of Magic: The Steel Prince: 1-3 Boxed Set

Shades of Magic: The Steel Prince: 1-3 Boxed Set

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Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab and torn from the universe of the Shades of Magic. This three-volume box-set, is the comic book prequel to A Darker Shade of Magic novel and is perfect for fans of bloody, swashbuckling adventure and gritty fantasy. Including art cards featuring the cover art from the individual books.Delve into the thrilling, epic tale of …
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Written by #1 New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab and torn from the universe of the Shades of Magic. This three-volume box-set, is the comic book prequel to A Darker Shade of Magic novel and is perfect for fans of bloody, swashbuckling adventure and gritty fantasy. Including art cards featuring the cover art from the individual books.

Delve into the thrilling, epic tale of the young and arrogant prince Maxim Maresh, long before he became the king of Red London and adoptive father to Kell, the lead protagonist of A Darker Shade of Magic! The youthful Maresh is sent to a violent and unmanageable port city on the Blood Coast of Verose, on strict orders from his father, King Nokil Maresh, to cut his military teeth in this lawless landscape.

There, he encounters an unruly band of soldiers, a lawless landscape, and through a series of incredible adventures learns what it means to be a leader and what it takes to be a future king.

This box-set Collects together SHADES OF MAGIC Vol 1: The Steel Prince, SHADES OF MAGIC Vol 2: Night of Knives, SHADES OF MAGIC Vol 3: The Rebel Army.