Sentinel Prime MK4: Marvel Crisis Protocol

Sentinel Prime MK4: Marvel Crisis Protocol

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A Prime Sentinel leads its robotic brethren into the battles of Marvel: Crisis Protocol in this new pack! A higher-level Sentinel that leads the hunt for mutants, the Sentinel Prime found in this pack features superior strength, weaponry, and protective hulls, making it even more of a threat. Even more dangerously, Prime Sentinels learn from every encounter with an enemy and make th…
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A Prime Sentinel leads its robotic brethren into the battles of Marvel: Crisis Protocol in this new pack! A higher-level Sentinel that leads the hunt for mutants, the Sentinel Prime found in this pack features superior strength, weaponry, and protective hulls, making it even more of a threat. Even more dangerously, Prime Sentinels learn from every encounter with an enemy and make the data available to other Sentinels. Leading the new Sentinels Affiliation, the Sentinel Prime works particularly well with Mark IV Sentinels and Cassandra Nova. Finally, two Team Tactic cards further enhance its ability to lead the Sentinels and expand their sphere of influence.