Senjutsu - The Gathering Storm

Senjutsu – The Gathering Storm

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Comes with two 32mm miniatures (Sohei Monk and Dutch Sailor) and 104 ability cards including each character’s signature cards, kamae trees, new base ability cards and their own unique solo decks. The Monk is a powerful fighter to play, with a great Weapon Card, ‘Jumonji Yari Stab’. A backwards 1 optional movement, solid attack pattern and then a Focus-spend to mov…
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Category Tags , SKU LUD-LKYSNJ-R04-EN Availability 3+ in stock
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Comes with two 32mm miniatures (Sohei Monk and Dutch Sailor) and 104 ability cards including each character's signature cards, kamae trees, new base ability cards and their own unique solo decks.

The Monk is a powerful fighter to play, with a great Weapon Card, 'Jumonji Yari Stab'. A backwards 1 optional movement, solid attack pattern and then a Focus-spend to move into the Defensive (Yellow) Kamae position means that the Monk is rarely flanked!

The Sailor is our homage to William Adams, an English Pilot who washed up onto the shore of Japan in the 16th century and incredibly rose up the ranks to become a full Samurai!

His Core Card's Special Ability allows you to swap out the Pistol for his Carrack Sword, whilst the Pistol is out you may use it to take the "Dreaded Shot" Gold Attack Ability Card or must defend yourself by using it as a rudimentary club!