Season On The Farm Puzzle (4 x 1000 pieces)

Season On The Farm Puzzle (4 x 1000 pieces)

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The puzzle images illustrate a working animal farm through the four different seasons and capture the events which take place throughout the year. The first image of the farm is set in spring with the lambing season underway; the family children are helping out with feeding with milk bottles. The second image captures the peak of summer, with the long days, the farmers are able to f…
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The puzzle images illustrate a working animal farm through the four different seasons and capture the events which take place throughout the year. The first image of the farm is set in spring with the lambing season underway; the family children are helping out with feeding with milk bottles. The second image captures the peak of summer, with the long days, the farmers are able to fix up the old barn, and move round any produce they’ve produced. The wonderful third image depicts the start of autumn, with the farmers all looking very tired after a day of harvesting the crops. The fourth image beautifully captures the end of the year with a stunning sunset, snow on the ground and the steam engine helping to move produce stored in the barn.


The puzzle images illustrate a working animal farm through the four different seasons and capture the events which take place throughout the year. The first image of the farm is set in spring with the lambing season underway; the family children are helping out with feeding with milk bottles. The second image captures the peak of summer, with the long days, the farmers are able to fix up the old barn, and move round any produce they’ve produced. The wonderful third image depicts the start of autumn, with the farmers all looking very tired after a day of harvesting the crops. The fourth image beautifully captures the end of the year with a stunning sunset, snow on the ground and the steam engine helping to move produce stored in the barn.