Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack: The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Board Game

Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack: The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-Earth Board Game

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The noble kingdom of Rohan has a long history of war, and the aftermaths of those wars can still be felt today in the unquiet dead of the marshes to the East and in the grudge held by the Dunlendings to the West. Now, an avaricious enemy has set plans in motion from the shadows, and you and your fellow heroes must uncover the conspiracy before Rohan is plunged into war once more… …
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The noble kingdom of Rohan has a long history of war, and the aftermaths of those wars can still be felt today in the unquiet dead of the marshes to the East and in the grudge held by the Dunlendings to the West. Now, an avaricious enemy has set plans in motion from the shadows, and you and your fellow heroes must uncover the conspiracy before Rohan is plunged into war once more…

The Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack for The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth can enhance both the Spreading War campaign and the Poison Promise downloadable campaign. This pack contains three beautifully-sculpted new miniatures of the primary villains of the two campaigns, as well as five new item cards and a new role that can be used in any Journeys in Middle-earth adventure. No collection would be complete without it!

*Not a standalone expansion. The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth core game and Spreading War expansion are required to play.