Scheherazade - The One Thousand and One Nights RPG

Scheherazade – The One Thousand and One Nights RPG

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Here Scheherazade perceived the light of morning, and discontinued the recitation. How excellent is thy story! And how pretty! But what is this in comparison with that which I will relate to thee in the next night, if I live, and the Caliph spare me! And the Caliph said, I will not kill her until I hear the remainder of her story.” The One Thousand and One Nights. You surely know …
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Here Scheherazade perceived the light of morning, and discontinued the recitation. How excellent is thy story! And how pretty! But what is this in comparison with that which I will relate to thee in the next night, if I live, and the Caliph spare me!

And the Caliph said, I will not kill her until I hear the remainder of her story.” The One Thousand and One Nights. You surely know them: how the beautiful and wily Scheherazade saved her life by telling the Caliph one thousand and one stories, one each night. This is how things went in the book. In the game, it is a little different: after the one thousandth night, Scheherazade went to bed and fell into an enchanted slumber from which no sage, hakim, or fakir could wake her. Nobody, apart from you, the Chosen Ones of Scheherazade, the persons on which she based the stories she told to the Caliph. Only you can save Scheherazade and the Caliphate of the Eternal Moon