Savage Worlds: Accursed - Ill Omens

Savage Worlds: Accursed – Ill Omens

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Morden has fallen to the Witches, but their banes continue to prey off of the mortal survivors. This book of adventures presents a variety of different challenges for Morden’s Witchmarked heroes to overcome. New foes are introduced and locations are expanded. The adventures range in scope, with some suited to a single evening’s entertainment, while others could encompass…
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Morden has fallen to the Witches, but their banes continue to prey off of the mortal survivors. This book of adventures presents a variety of different challenges for Morden's Witchmarked heroes to overcome. New foes are introduced and locations are expanded. The adventures range in scope, with some suited to a single evening's entertainment, while others could encompass several nights of play. Any of them can be interspersed with the Plot Point Campaign included in the Accursed core book.