Savage Circus

Savage Circus

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A gang of criminals descend into the town of Basin Bay on Christmas Eve. They pull off the perfect heist and are high tailing it out of there when they collide with a runaway train! The train cars scatter, blocking the only way in or out of town. What is worse? The train was a circus car, but not just any circus, it was the Savage Circus, a collection of Earth’s deadliest man-…
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Category Tag SKU ZTP-9781955537247 Availability Backorder
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A gang of criminals descend into the town of Basin Bay on Christmas Eve. They pull off the perfect heist and are high tailing it out of there when they collide with a runaway train! The train cars scatter, blocking the only way in or out of town. What is worse? The train was a circus car, but not just any circus, it was the Savage Circus, a collection of Earth's deadliest man-killers. Now Deputy Brady Harrison must navigate through a city of deranged animals, psychotic criminals and the crazed ringleader Lewis Savage to save his town!