Lord of the Rings LCG: The Sands of Harad Adventure Pack
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The Lord of the Rings (LotR), the Card Game is a cooperative, Living Card Game (LCG) published by Fantasy Flight Games. One - two players (or up to four, with two core sets) take control of powerful characters and artifacts. Players will gather allies and coordinate efforts to take on the biggest threats to Middle-earth.
The Sands of Harad is the sixth deluxe expansion for the LotR card game, providing players with 165 new cards. This expansion will shift the focus to the lands in the south of Middle-earth. The new scenarios will take you from the deserts Harad to the dark lands of Mordor. Along the way you will need to deal with threats from the environment and the inhabitants of the regions you pass through - and overcome ancient hostilites between the people of Harad and those of Gondor. Two new heroes are introduced with this expansion: Gimli for the Leadership sphere and Legolas for the Spirit sphere. A ne side quest is also available, that will have a game changing effect, if successfully completed.
Continue the story with six scenario packs that together make up the Haradrim adventure cycle. The scenarios will see conflict with the Haradrim and their Mûmakil, and explore the Númenorean built Cirith Gurat.
Note: This product is not a standalone adventure. Players will need a copy of The LotR card game: Core set in order to play. The Haradrim scenario packs are not required to enjoy The Sands of Harad, but they will allow you to further the story.
Player Count: 1 - 4
Time: Depending on format 30 - 90 minutes
Age: 14+