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Expected Release Date 31/12/2024
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There is no trace of humans anymore. Only plants, animals, and sentient machines continue to roam the Earth. They constantly seek energy and technological advances. The Bots were created for one unique purpose: FIGHTING! Rumblebots is a deck management card game inspired by Auto Battler video games. Assemble your group of fighting robots (Bots) and launch them into the arena. The l…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-DVG9067 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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There is no trace of humans anymore. Only plants, animals, and sentient machines continue to roam the Earth. They constantly seek energy and technological advances. The Bots were created for one unique purpose: FIGHTING!

Rumblebots is a deck management card game inspired by Auto Battler video games. Assemble your group of fighting robots (Bots) and launch them into the arena. The last one left standing will be the winner!

Rumblebots is divided into six rounds, each consisting of two phases: Build and Battle. In the Build Phase, you assemble new Bots, adding them to your deck. Choose synergistic Bots, recycle obsolete units, level up to build ever more powerful machines, or push your luck with an aggressive, yet risky plan made by an army of simple automatons. In the Battle Phase, one team attacks and one team defends in a series of clashes. Bot decks fight each other in an almost “automatic” way. Whoever becomes Champion is challenged by the following team. The last Champion in the game wins the battle and gets powerful crystals to improve their Workshop and level up their Bots.

The last team of Bots standing during the Showdown wins!

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There is no trace of humans anymore. Only plants, animals, and sentient machines continue to roam the Earth. They constantly seek energy and technological advances. The Bots were created for one unique purpose: FIGHTING!

Rumblebots is a deck management card game inspired by Auto Battler video games. Assemble your group of fighting robots (Bots) and launch them into the arena. The last one left standing will be the winner!

Rumblebots is divided into six rounds, each consisting of two phases: Build and Battle. In the Build Phase, you assemble new Bots, adding them to your deck. Choose synergistic Bots, recycle obsolete units, level up to build ever more powerful machines, or push your luck with an aggressive, yet risky plan made by an army of simple automatons. In the Battle Phase, one team attacks and one team defends in a series of clashes. Bot decks fight each other in an almost “automatic” way. Whoever becomes Champion is challenged by the following team. The last Champion in the game wins the battle and gets powerful crystals to improve their Workshop and level up their Bots.

The last team of Bots standing during the Showdown wins!