Roll to the Top

Roll to the Top

RRP: £40.00
Now £29.55(SAVE 26%)
RRP £40.00
Expected Restock Date 01/02/2025
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The goal of the game is to complete your 'Challenge' sheet by filling in numbers in all the squares of your sheet.

Each game round some of the 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 sided dice get rolled for all players.
Write the rolled numbers from the bottom to the top at your sheet, with each new number higher than or equal to each number underneath.
Your squares can contain:
- a number from 1 die, or
- the sum of 2 or more dice
You can also skip 1 or more dice.

Before each next round, the special white die tells the next player (clockwise) to add, remove or swap a die before rolling.

Key tactic is creating the best opportunities. The 4, 6, 8, 12 and 20 sided dice are capricious, so try to anticipate on chances!