Rock and Roll Terrorist

Rock and Roll Terrorist

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Born as Jesus Christ Allin and raised in rural isolation by a violently abusive religious fanatic, GG Allin grew up to be one of punk’s most controversial figures. His onstage antics, which included throwing blood and faeces at the audience, overshadowed his music. In this first substantial biography of the man who wanted to make rock ‘dangerous’ again, author and …
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Born as Jesus Christ Allin and raised in rural isolation by a violently abusive religious fanatic, GG Allin grew up to be one of punk's most controversial figures. His onstage antics, which included throwing blood and faeces at the audience, overshadowed his music. In this first substantial biography of the man who wanted to make rock 'dangerous' again, author and illustrator Reid Chancellor portrays Allin's life and early death with sensitivity, asking us to look beyond the shocking spectacle to understand the troubled human behind the scenes, and the societal forces that pushed him to the edge of creative expression.