Rivals for Catan

Rivals for Catan

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The Rivals for Catan is a reimplementation of the Catan Card Game.In The Rivals for Catan, each player portrays a prince, developing their individual provinces and competing to build a more successful province than the other players. Similar to the original Catan Card Game, the basic mode of play is where players expand their provinces by building settlements connected by roads. Pla…
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The Rivals for Catan is a reimplementation of the Catan Card Game.
In The Rivals for Catan, each player portrays a prince, developing their individual provinces and competing to build a more successful province than the other players. Similar to the original Catan Card Game, the basic mode of play is where players expand their provinces by building settlements connected by roads. Players may also build expansions in their settlements that aid them in various ways or upgrade their settlements to cities to allow more expansions to be built. Resources accumulated each turn determined by the roll of a die and are used to build these expansions. Cards are drawn on each turn to replenish the players’ hands. The players may also use action cards that directly affect either their own province or their opponent’s province.
The Rivals for Catan features a reduced pool of cards, without the more aggressive style of action cards found in the original Catan Card Game. Therefore, all action cards will be able to be used from the beginning of the game unlike in the original card game.
You can play The Rivals for Catan game in a variety of ways, such as: The Introductory Game, Three Theme Games (which can be combined to play a variant called “The Duel of the Princes””, and the Tournament Game.
The theme of The Rivals for Catan is no longer restricted only to the feudal era of the Middle Ages like the original Catan Card Game. The Introductory Game portrays the very early years of the world of Catan, while each Theme Game takes place in progressively later eras. These eras are known as “The Era of Gold,” “The Era of Turmoil,” and “The Era of Progress.”
Player Count: 2
Time: 45-120 minutes
Age: 10+