Risk Junior

Risk Junior

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Expected Restock Date 01/03/2025
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Battle for Treasure on the High Seas! The Risk Jr. board game features easy-to-get gameplay, an engaging pirate theme, and bold, colorful artwork. Kids move their boat token around the game board in search of buried treasure as they battle for control of the islands, aiming to collect the most loot to win. The game requires no reading, is quick to set up, and can be played in less t…
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Battle for Treasure on the High Seas!

The Risk Jr. board game features easy-to-get gameplay, an engaging pirate theme, and bold, colorful artwork. Kids move their boat token around the game board in search of buried treasure as they battle for control of the islands, aiming to collect the most loot to win. The game requires no reading, is quick to set up, and can be played in less than 30 minutes. Engage family members ages 5 and up with this junior edition of the classic strategic combat game.

INTRO TO THE CLASSIC RISK GAME: The Risk Junior board game is a great way to introduce kids to the strategy gameplay of the classic Risk game. The game is for kids ages 5 and up; for 2 to 4 players
PIRATE THEME: The Risk Junior game's pirate theme has kids moving their pirate ship tokens around the board, competing for treasure and control of the islands
LAUNCH THE DICE: Place, press, launch! To battle another player to claim an island and its treasure, players put a die in their pirate ship, press the lever, and launch it to discover the next move
GAME OF STRATEGIC CONQUEST: Move pirates on to islands, defend territories, and control of treasures. The player with the most treasure and islands at the end of the game wins
MY FIRST RISK GAME: The Risk Jr. game is a great way to introduce kids to the classic strategy board game.