Risk Godstorm Board Game

Risk Godstorm Board Game

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Who will rule the Ancient Earth – and beyond? Enter a time of myths and legends. Enter the world of Risk Godstorm, where ancient faiths and fears rule. Battle across the Earth and in the dark regions below. Harness primal forces to strike with devastating power. Command five ancient cultures – Greek, Celtic, Babylonian, Norse, and Egyptian – in a continent-spanning…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZSPG-RGS02720 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Who will rule the Ancient Earth - and beyond?

Enter a time of myths and legends. Enter the world of Risk Godstorm, where ancient faiths and fears rule. Battle across the Earth and in the dark regions below. Harness primal forces to strike with devastating power. Command five ancient cultures - Greek, Celtic, Babylonian, Norse, and Egyptian - in a continent-spanning battle that will determine whose civilization reigns supreme. And rest assured, the gods will not sit idle in this war.


Includes 382 playing pieces with highly detailed miniatures.
Includes rules for RISK Godstorm and Classic RISK.
Harness primal forces to strike with devastating power.
Command five ancient cultures - Greek, Celtic, Babylonian, Norse, and Egyptian