Rise of the Necromancers: The Foul & The Wicked Expansion

Rise of the Necromancers: The Foul & The Wicked Expansion

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This expansion contains 22 Necromancer miniatures (16 from the core game, 2 from Dawn and Demons, and 4 from Undead Sea) and five base rings. They match their respective cards, and, as you take the mantle of a Necromancer, you take their miniature to replace the original one! To recognize their colour, you may clip a base ring of your colour!
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Category SKU ZBG-MYTMGROTN005 Availability Out of stock
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This expansion contains 22 Necromancer miniatures (16 from the core game, 2 from Dawn and Demons, and 4 from Undead Sea) and five base rings. They match their respective cards, and, as you take the mantle of a Necromancer, you take their miniature to replace the original one! To recognize their colour, you may clip a base ring of your colour!