Ring Volume 2, The (Paperback)

Ring Volume 2, The (Paperback)

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The fabulously creepy story of The Ring takes a side step from the plot of the original Japanese film, taking the reader into life after all that tragedy and mystery. Sadako, the psychic killer, isn't so easily disposed of. Beautifully illustrated by the adept Meimu, The Ring Vol. 2 takes the reader into the life of Mai Takano, after her beloved Professor Ryuji is killed by Sadako. …
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The fabulously creepy story of The Ring takes a side step from the plot of the original Japanese film, taking the reader into life after all that tragedy and mystery. Sadako, the psychic killer, isn't so easily disposed of. Beautifully illustrated by the adept Meimu, The Ring Vol. 2 takes the reader into the life of Mai Takano, after her beloved Professor Ryuji is killed by Sadako. Adding to the sci-fi element, both Mai and little Yoichi, son of Ryuji and Reiko, have developed psychic powers and are often haunted by the powerful Sadako.