Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Right Hand of the Emperor Playmat

Legend of the Five Rings LCG: Right Hand of the Emperor Playmat

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Whether you’re playing at the Fantasy Flight Games World Championships, or just around your kitchen table, these Legend of the Five Rings playmats are perfect for protecting your cards from stains or spills. Each playmat features stunning art of your chosen clan’s champion and the clan’s mon, proudly proclaiming who you support among the seven Great Clans of Rokugan! As the Cr…
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Category Tags , , , SKU ZBG-FFGL5S08 Availability Out of stock
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Whether you're playing at the Fantasy Flight Games World Championships, or just around your kitchen table, these Legend of the Five Rings playmats are perfect for protecting your cards from stains or spills. Each playmat features stunning art of your chosen clan's champion and the clan's mon, proudly proclaiming who you support among the seven Great Clans of Rokugan! As the Crane Clan is to politics, so the Lion Clan is to the field of battle. With massive armies and master tacticians, the Lion are well accustomed to dominating the martial aspects of Rokugan. Their newly risen Clan Champion is Akodo Toturi, and his wisdom may aid you on the field of battle.