Lord of the Rings LCG: Return to Mirkwood Nightmare Deck

Lord of the Rings LCG: Return to Mirkwood Nightmare Deck

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Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to revisit your favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game’s challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario’s encounter deck…
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Nightmare Decks for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game allow you to revisit your favorite scenarios cast in the shadows of the game's challenging Nightmare Mode. Featuring deadlier enemies, darker locations, and more terrifying surprises, each Nightmare Deck introduces new, alternate encounter cards and instructions for using them to reshape a scenario's encounter deck. The result? A nightmarish journey through territory you thought you knew, but with twists and turns that will have you on the edge of your seat! In Return to Mirkwood, several of Middle-earth?s greatest heroes have captured Gollum and must escort their prisoner back to Mirkwood and Gandalf the Grey. However, their job is more difficult than one might expect, especially with the twenty new cards in this Nightmare Deck! Gollum?s Tantrums draw the attention of the Dark Lord?s servants and Mirkwood?s most ferocious predators. To succeed at your mission, you?ll need to remain vigilant and keep your blades sharp.