Return of the Dragons 8: D&D Icons of the Realms

Return of the Dragons 8: D&D Icons of the Realms

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Return to Tyranny of Dragons with newly updated miniatures from the campaign! This set is great for preparing for the beloved Fifth Edition campaign or building out your mini army with kobolds, bugbears, orcs, and giants. D&D Icons of the Realms: Return of the Dragons updates all 44 miniatures from the original Tyranny of Dragons set. Features: Collect 44 miniatures from the…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-WZK96278 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Return to Tyranny of Dragons with newly updated miniatures from the campaign! This set is great for preparing for the beloved Fifth Edition campaign or building out your mini army with kobolds, bugbears, orcs, and giants.

D&D Icons of the Realms: Return of the Dragons updates all 44 miniatures from the original Tyranny of Dragons set.


Collect 44 miniatures from the Tyranny of Dragons campaign.
Updated poses and decoration for all 44 original Tyranny of Dragons miniatures.
Some miniatures include translucent parts.


Return to Tyranny of Dragons with newly updated miniatures from the campaign! This set is great for preparing for the beloved Fifth Edition campaign or building out your mini army with kobolds, bugbears, orcs, and giants.

D&D Icons of the Realms: Return of the Dragons updates all 44 miniatures from the original Tyranny of Dragons set.


Collect 44 miniatures from the Tyranny of Dragons campaign.
Updated poses and decoration for all 44 original Tyranny of Dragons miniatures.
Some miniatures include translucent parts.