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Through the manipulation of double-sided cards on the table and in your hand, you create a line that is either red (for DEEP RED) or blue (for BLU9000) that goes across the board into your enemy’s base.Each player gets three actions and must take all three before the turn is over.Toss in some Resistor cards, either strategically or to introduce some chaos.The first person to g…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-L99-RES01 Availability Out of stock
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Through the manipulation of double-sided cards on the table and in your hand, you create a line that is either red (for DEEP RED) or blue (for BLU9000) that goes across the board into your enemy's base.
Each player gets three actions and must take all three before the turn is over.
Toss in some Resistor cards, either strategically or to introduce some chaos.
The first person to get their enemy up to DEFCON 5 wins!