Religion (Hardback)

Religion (Hardback)

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The author of the bestselling Discovery in Comics series, including on Science and Philosophy, tackles a very sensitive subject. Dealing with religion often means walking on eggshells - that is what comic artist Margreet de Heer finds out when creating this book! She presents the five major world religions and modern spirituality in a colourful, personal, yet serious manner. She exp…
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The author of the bestselling Discovery in Comics series, including on Science and Philosophy, tackles a very sensitive subject. Dealing with religion often means walking on eggshells - that is what comic artist Margreet de Heer finds out when creating this book! She presents the five major world religions and modern spirituality in a colourful, personal, yet serious manner. She explores religious history and practices with tact and an open mind, but can't prevent a few eggs from breaking. This book in comics is fun and informative for both believers and non-believers.