Reign of X Vol. 18

Reign of X Vol. 18

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Secrets and lies in the Reign of X! Psylocke’s hidden deal with Mr. Sinister is about to come back and bite her – and cause a schism within the Hellions! Meanwhile, Krakoa comes under plant-based attack. Can X-Force get to the root of the problem before Dr. Bloodroot kills again? Storm has ascended to the throne of Arakko – and now she speaks for Sol on the galacti…
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Secrets and lies in the Reign of X! Psylocke's hidden deal with Mr. Sinister is about to come back and bite her - and cause a schism within the Hellions! Meanwhile, Krakoa comes under plant-based attack. Can X-Force get to the root of the problem before Dr. Bloodroot kills again? Storm has ascended to the throne of Arakko - and now she speaks for Sol on the galactic stage. But when you have to prove to your people who you are, every single day without fail... what becomes of who you were? And Nightcrawler must act fast to avoid catastrophe as the laws of Krakoa (and physics) are tested to their limits! But what happens when the true villain behind the recent chaos is revealed? Collecting: Hellions (2020) 15, X-Force (2019) 21-22, S.W.O.RD. (2020) 8, Way of X (2021) 4-5