Reign of X Vol. 15

Reign of X Vol. 15

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Murder and mayhem in the Reign of X! The Scarlet Witch has been killed, and as X-Factor investigates the shocking murder, all clues point to Magneto! As the Avengers arrive on Krakoa to mourn their fallen ally, Magneto faces a trial that will divide the mutant nation! Meanwhile, the Hellfire Gala fallout continues for S.W.O.R.D., as Doctor Doom sticks around for a meeting of monarch…
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Murder and mayhem in the Reign of X! The Scarlet Witch has been killed, and as X-Factor investigates the shocking murder, all clues point to Magneto! As the Avengers arrive on Krakoa to mourn their fallen ally, Magneto faces a trial that will divide the mutant nation! Meanwhile, the Hellfire Gala fallout continues for S.W.O.R.D., as Doctor Doom sticks around for a meeting of monarchs, with matters of galactic import to discuss - including the Last Annihilation! The New Mutants are reeling from their own devastating loss, as a great evil continues to cast its shadow. And when new problems present themselves in Ireland, the Marauders bring in Banshee for some assistance... and he'll soon be screaming into battle! Collecting: X-Men: The Trial of Magneto (2021) 1-2, S.W.O.R.D. (2020) 7, New Mutants (2019) 20-21, Marauders (2019) 23