Reign of X Vol. 1

Reign of X Vol. 1

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After the Dawn comes the Reign! In the wake of X OF SWORDS, it’s one giant leap for mutantkind as Krakoa turns its attentions to space – and relaunches S.W.O.R.D.! Back on Krakoa, Cyclops and his allies grapple with the ramifi cations of their recent ordeal and the fateful decisions that were made – setting in motion the X-Men’s next evolution! Meanwhile, the…
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After the Dawn comes the Reign! In the wake of X OF SWORDS, it's one giant leap for mutantkind as Krakoa turns its attentions to space - and relaunches S.W.O.R.D.! Back on Krakoa, Cyclops and his allies grapple with the ramifi cations of their recent ordeal and the fateful decisions that were made - setting in motion the X-Men's next evolution! Meanwhile, the resurrection protocols have been thrown into chaos - and as the Five deal with the fallout, it's up to X-Factor to restore order! And as Sinister continues to scheme, the recently reborn Hellions face an urgent mission to retrieve Nanny's ship and build new armour for a transformed - and deadly - Orphan-Maker! Collecting S.W.O.R.D. (2020) 1, X-Men (2019) 16, X-Factor (2020) 5 and Hellions (2020) 7-8