Redacted: Mercenaries Expansion

Redacted: Mercenaries Expansion

RRP: £9.99
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RRP £9.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Money makes the world go round. It also helps secret agents pay their rent. In [redacted]: Mercenaries, a whole new level of spycraft is necessary, not for the glory of the revolution or to defend fast food and reality TV, but to end your career with a nice chunk of change. With a variety of conflicting missions, players must use the skills they picked up during the base game of […
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Category Tags , SKU ZBG-LDR145010 Availability Backorder
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Money makes the world go round. It also helps secret agents pay their rent.

In [redacted]: Mercenaries, a whole new level of spycraft is necessary, not for the glory of the revolution or to defend fast food and reality TV, but to end your career with a nice chunk of change. With a variety of conflicting missions, players must use the skills they picked up during the base game of [redacted] to work together (or not) and complete assignments for their shadowy employers.

Changing loyalties, shifting objectives, conflicting assignments. Nothing ever stays the same, and players must balance short-term gain and long-term strategy to win, in this advanced expansion to [redacted].