Red Dragon: Dungeons & Dragons Bookends

Red Dragon: Dungeons & Dragons Bookends

RRP: £59.99
Now £51.79(SAVE 13%)
RRP £59.99
Expected Release Date 01/05/2025
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Guard your Dungeons & Dragons tomes with our new line of D&D Bookends! Show off iconic creatures while keeping your gaming shelf nice and tidy. This 7-inch-tall resin bookend features the Red Dragon from the latest Monster Manual in its preferred habitat, a volcanic cavern. Each D&D Bookend is sold in single-unit packaging, letting you mix and match your favorite mon…
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Category Tags , , SKU ZBG-WZK89217 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Guard your Dungeons & Dragons tomes with our new line of D&D Bookends! Show off iconic creatures while keeping your gaming shelf nice and tidy.

This 7-inch-tall resin bookend features the Red Dragon from the latest Monster Manual in its preferred habitat, a volcanic cavern. Each D&D Bookend is sold in single-unit packaging, letting you mix and match your favorite monsters.


Designed from artwork featured in the latest Monster Manual
7-inch-tall resin bookend fits nicely on most shelves