Realm of Kings (Paperback)

Realm of Kings (Paperback)

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Collecting: the cosmic crossover! In Imperial Guard, one hazardous mission may be the solution that everyone is praying for, but are the opinionated and fractured Guard tough enough-and united enough-to accomplish it? In Inhumans, now led by Queen Medusa, the battered and bruised royal family struggles to maintain their grip on the reins of power. Then in Son Of Hulk, meet a new mon…
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Collecting: the cosmic crossover! In Imperial Guard, one hazardous mission may be the solution that everyone is praying for, but are the opinionated and fractured Guard tough enough-and united enough-to accomplish it? In Inhumans, now led by Queen Medusa, the battered and bruised royal family struggles to maintain their grip on the reins of power. Then in Son Of Hulk, meet a new monster for a new age, and a challenger to the warring Kings of the Cosmos...he is Hiro-Kala, SON OF HULK, and this young apocalyptic visionary has a destructive destiny: obliterate the Universe!