Ravaged Star: Veil Touched - Horrors of the Veil - War Pack

Ravaged Star: Veil Touched – Horrors of the Veil – War Pack

RRP: £166.99
Now £163.39
RRP £166.99
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Category Tags , , , , , SKU ZWCS-RSMVT0-HVWP1 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Ravaged Star is a fast paced, strategic tabletop wargame featuring gorgeous miniatures and exciting and engrossing gameplay, ancient evils rise in the darkest corners of the galaxy as massive armies wage war among the stars.

The Veil-Touched are mostly corrupted humans (among other monstrosities), commanded by Lord Davicus, a former Vanguard commander who led an expedition across the mysterious Veil, a shimmering anomaly on the edge of known space. Davicus and his people returned 60 years later, forever changed. They now serve Strahk, god of fear, who was imprisoned on Asalia, the planet on the other side of the Veil. Davicus celebrated his glorious return by attacking his former people by bombarding their homeworld from orbit.


25x Miniatures
1x Yisharra Miniature
1x Lord Tyrach & Breacher Miniature
2x Asalian Dreadterrors Miniatures
3x Eder Sorrowspites Miniatures
18x Sorrowspites Miniatures
Please Note:

Miniatures are supplied unpainted and assembled.