Rattus Big Box

Rattus Big Box

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AVOID CATCHING THE PLAGUE! The Black Death has reached Europe and it’s up to you to save your people. In Rattus: Big Box players are work to keep their populations alive while settling the various regions of Europe. Players take turns choosing a class and placing pieces on an area of the board. At the end of your turn you move the plague marker to a neighboring area. As the plague…
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The Black Death has reached Europe and it’s up to you to save your people. In Rattus: Big Box players are work to keep their populations alive while settling the various regions of Europe. Players take turns choosing a class and placing pieces on an area of the board. At the end of your turn you move the plague marker to a neighboring area. As the plague moves around it affects rats and player pieces.

Using peasants you can increase your population, while monks are able to keep the rats away. Your merchants will pick up and flee when the plague starts to encroach on them and your knights spread the disease to new areas. Fiendish witches use magic to control the spread and the kings simply avoid the Black Death by staying in their lofty castles. Make no mistake, the plague does not discriminate.