Rallyman GT: GT5 Expansion

Rallyman GT: GT5 Expansion

RRP: $19.99
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Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Rallyman GT is a Roll and Move game with a simple yet exciting dice mechanic that invites players to push their luck and navigate the terrain as best they can. Will you take a risk and squeeze every last second out of the track, or will you play it cool and avoid spinning out on hard corners, bumps and other treacherous terrain? Rallyman GT is an updated version of the 2009 classic…
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Category SKU ZBG-LUMHGGRMGT04R06 Availability Backorder
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Rallyman GT is a Roll and Move game with a simple yet exciting dice mechanic that invites players to push their luck and navigate the terrain as best they can. Will you take a risk and squeeze every last second out of the track, or will you play it cool and avoid spinning out on hard corners, bumps and other treacherous terrain?

Rallyman GT is an updated version of the 2009 classic Rallyman. The main changes from the old edition are:

• Hexagon based track tiles that give you complete freedom to build your own tracks!

• A head-to-head racing system where you'll have to outdrive your opponents on the way to the finish line.

• Larger scale tracks and cars for a better playing experience.

• All new artwork from award winning illustrator Loic Muzy.