Raid on Mt. Murhata

Raid on Mt. Murhata

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As a monster on Mt. Murhata it is your duty to please the Geezer. You need to be the monster to appease the Geezer the most. Raid the villages, collect the goods and make your tribute. If you make the best, you win. If not, who knows your final fate! But it won’t be good! For 2-6 players. 30 minutes to play. Ages 15+.
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-TLC4005 Availability Out of stock
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As a monster on Mt. Murhata it is your duty to please the Geezer. You need to be the monster to appease the Geezer the most. Raid the villages, collect the goods and make your tribute. If you make the best, you win. If not, who knows your final fate! But it won't be good! For 2-6 players. 30 minutes to play. Ages 15+.