RA Traders Expansion Standard Edition

RA Traders Expansion Standard Edition

RRP: £25.00
Now £24.99
RRP £25.00
Expected Release Date 15/04/2025
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An expansion to the classic auction game RA, Traders adds a new tile type to your experience.

Leverage the Nile River to send vessels around the region to grow your Dynasty through trade and communication. Bring back precious treasures and rare goods to extend your reach and solidify your place among the Gods.

5 Docks boards
20 Trader tiles
30 One-Value Small Goods Crates
10 Five-Value Large Goods Crates
10 Ten-Value Scoring Tablets

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An expansion to the classic auction game RA, Traders adds a new tile type to your experience.

Leverage the Nile River to send vessels around the region to grow your Dynasty through trade and communication. Bring back precious treasures and rare goods to extend your reach and solidify your place among the Gods.

5 Docks boards
20 Trader tiles
30 One-Value Small Goods Crates
10 Five-Value Large Goods Crates
10 Ten-Value Scoring Tablets