Questlings: RPG

Questlings: RPG

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Questlings: A Role-Playing Game is a 40-page full-color 6” x 8” softcover booklet. It’s good for 2-5 players, including the Game Moderator (or more, depending on the comfort level of the GM)! In Questlings: RPG, players will play as two characters, one as your kid form and one as the Inner Hero your child aspires to be! The game guides players and game moderators through …
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Questlings: A Role-Playing Game is a 40-page full-color 6” x 8” softcover booklet. It's good for 2-5 players, including the Game Moderator (or more, depending on the comfort level of the GM)!

In Questlings: RPG, players will play as two characters, one as your kid form and one as the Inner Hero your child aspires to be! The game guides players and game moderators through a map accompanied with a storybook to give them a framework for roleplaying and building the story and making it easy for players new to RPGs and new GMs to run a game as well!

For a faster start up, we have included pre-generated characters based on the 6 Questlings title characters, each with different Stats.

Each character has Goals to achieve when they go through the story. Once the characters have gained enough inventory Items, they can go to their location of choice on the map to achieve their goal using those items! Goals can vary from winning at a martial arts competition to helping clean up the environment in the town!

Not only will you have two characters (your kid character and your fantasy Inner Hero) but the locations you adventure through will also have two different settings, the town you live in and the fantasy world you pretend it to be.

When rolling dice, players mark a Boost when they roll an Oops! (when they roll 3 or less or 4 or less). They can use Boosts to do cool things, such as rerolling dice or moving more spaces on the map! The fantasy character is also there to help build the child character's confidence, letting them unlock cool new things that they can do in the game.