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Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux – Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike – stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there’s never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux! Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Mali…
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Category Tag SKU ZWCS-WYR23904 Availability Backorder
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Slumbering Tyrants are awakening and grasping at power as the residents of Malifaux - Human, Neverborn, and Gremlin alike - stand in stubborn defiance against them. With streamlined rules and an intuitive new hiring system, there's never been a better time to cross through the Breach and into the world of Malifaux!

Malifaux 3rd edition is the newest version of Malifaux by Wyrd Miniatures, it has been developed to streamline the rules and enhance player enjoyability. Here are a few of the newest improvements.


Conquest (Counts as Mechanical Rider)
War (Counts as Pale Rider)
Famine (Counts as Hooded Rider)
Death (Counts as Dead Rider)