Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG - Propagandist Specialization Deck

Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG – Propagandist Specialization Deck

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Sway public opinion with the Propagandist Specialization Deck for Star Wars: Age of RebellionTM! Created via our in-house manufacturing division, The Factory, this deck comes with twenty talent cards featuring thematic art, so you can keep the details of your character’s abilities at your fingertips and focus on the action. These cards help you more easily collect information,…
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Sway public opinion with the Propagandist Specialization Deck for Star Wars: Age of RebellionTM! Created via our in-house manufacturing division, The Factory, this deck comes with twenty talent cards featuring thematic art, so you can keep the details of your character's abilities at your fingertips and focus on the action. These cards help you more easily collect information, broadcast your findings, and create spin to help out the Rebel cause. Propagandists both pursue the truth and manipulate it to serve their own ends, mingling fact with fiction for the sake of conveying a powerful message. They can inspire heroism in everyday citizens or reveal the Empire's darkest secrets to a massive audience.