Potionomics: Masterwork Edition - Nintendo Switch

Potionomics: Masterwork Edition – Nintendo Switch

RRP: £34.99
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Expected Release Date 04/01/2025
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Assume the role of a penniless witch named Sylvia who must transform her debt-ridden potion shop into a thriving business.

Along the way, you will encounter mighty (and not-so-mighty) heroes, fellow merchants, and a colorful cast of customers.As every aspiring entrepreneur knows, customers will be fickle, competition will be fierce, and prices never stay stable.Potion brewing is as much a science as it is an art. Master your craft while learning new recipes along the way!Add in even more magic with brand-new features and improvements, and you've got a recipe for success.


Assume the role of a penniless witch named Sylvia who must transform her debt-ridden potion shop into a thriving business.

Along the way, you will encounter mighty (and not-so-mighty) heroes, fellow merchants, and a colorful cast of customers.As every aspiring entrepreneur knows, customers will be fickle, competition will be fierce, and prices never stay stable.Potion brewing is as much a science as it is an art. Master your craft while learning new recipes along the way!Add in even more magic with brand-new features and improvements, and you've got a recipe for success.