Pop A Tops: Match a Martian

Pop A Tops: Match a Martian

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First Earthling to match the card to the dice wins! Race to find, match and grab the alien card first to win the round. Players take turns to “Pop the top” to roll the dice and then grab the matching card. The player with the most Alien cards wins. If an Alien card is already taken, you can steal it from another player. For 2+ players. Pop-A-Tops are self-contained, pack…
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Category Tags , SKU TPMON-GP012 Availability Out of stock
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First Earthling to match the card to the dice wins! Race to find, match and grab the alien card first to win the round.

Players take turns to "Pop the top" to roll the dice and then grab the matching card. The player with the most Alien cards wins. If an Alien card is already taken, you can steal it from another player. For 2+ players.

Pop-A-Tops are self-contained, packable and portable games each offering unique game play.


First Earthling to match the card to the dice wins! Race to find, match and grab the alien card first to win the round.

Players take turns to "Pop the top" to roll the dice and then grab the matching card. The player with the most Alien cards wins. If an Alien card is already taken, you can steal it from another player. For 2+ players.

Pop-A-Tops are self-contained, packable and portable games each offering unique game play.