Pokemon TCG: Lillie Premium Tournament Collection Box

Pokemon TCG: Lillie Premium Tournament Collection Box

RRP: £39.99
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RRP £39.99
Expected Release Date 25/04/2025
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Find the Power of Friendship with Lillie! A kind and courageous Pokémon Trainer, Lillie finds strength in the bonds she shares with her Pokémon. Here as a foil promo card, Lillie’s Clefairy ex puts pressure on Dragon-type Pokémon, and it becomes more powerful with friends on the Bench! You’ll also find three copies of Lillie’s Pearl—a Pokémon Tool card that helps Lillie�…
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Find the Power of Friendship with Lillie!
A kind and courageous Pokémon Trainer, Lillie finds strength in the bonds she shares with her Pokémon. Here as a foil promo card, Lillie’s Clefairy ex puts pressure on Dragon-type Pokémon, and it becomes more powerful with friends on the Bench! You’ll also find three copies of Lillie’s Pearl—a Pokémon Tool card that helps Lillie’s Pokémon—along with booster packs, a fun sticker, illustrated card sleeves and deck box, plus other accessories for playing the Pokémon TCG.

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Find the Power of Friendship with Lillie!
A kind and courageous Pokémon Trainer, Lillie finds strength in the bonds she shares with her Pokémon. Here as a foil promo card, Lillie’s Clefairy ex puts pressure on Dragon-type Pokémon, and it becomes more powerful with friends on the Bench! You’ll also find three copies of Lillie’s Pearl—a Pokémon Tool card that helps Lillie’s Pokémon—along with booster packs, a fun sticker, illustrated card sleeves and deck box, plus other accessories for playing the Pokémon TCG.