Pokemon TCG: Hidden Fates Elite Trainer Box
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Discover the mystery in The Pokemon Trading Card Game - Hidden Fates!
Hidden Fates continues a major fan favourite addition to the Pokemon Trading Card Game: Tag Teams! Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX make a splash as the first ever triple Tag Team in the Pokemon TCG. Powerful Pokemon GX cards like Charizard, Raichu and Naganadel make an apperance too!
For the first time in the Pokemon Trading Card game, over 30 new Shiny Pokemon cards are now available! Favourite Pokemon like Zorua and Wooper, as well as powerful cards like Pheromosa and Garchomp are in. There are even some new shiny Pokemon GX cards!
The Elite Trainer Box is the best way to start playing The Pokemon Trading Card Game! With 8 booster packs, sleeves, counters and more, it’s your first step to becoming a Pokemon Master. Each box also contains a special stained glass art card of Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX!
10x Pokemon Trading Card Game: Sun and Moon – Hidden Fates booster packs
65x Standard-size card sleeves featuring Articuno, Zapdos and Moltres
1x Moltres & Zapdos & Articuno GX
45x Basic Energy cards (5 per type)
1x Guide to Sword and Shield – Hidden Fates
1x Rulebook
6x Damage Counters
2x Condition Markers
1x Tournament-Legal Coin
4x Dividers for the box
1x Code for the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online

Pokémon TCG: Hidden Fates has been all of the buzz for any Pokémon fan. In it’s original run, Hidden Fates was the most popular series since the birth of these little pocket creatures. Classic and legendary Pokémon collide in this beautiful game. Be sure to check out our review of the trio tin set here.
For those of you that are unfamiliar or are just starting your journey as Pokémon trainer, here are the basic steps of gameplay:
How to Win: (there are three main ways to win)
- Take all of your Prize cards.
- Knock out all of your opponent’s Pokémon in play.
- If your opponent has no cards in their deck at the beginning of their turn.

Setting Up Play
Shake hands with your opponent.
Flip a coin.
Winner of Flip decides who goes first.
Shuffle your 60-card deck and draw the top 7 cards.
Check to see if you have any Basic Pokémon in your hand.
Select one of your Basic Pokémon and place face down as your Active Pokémon.
Put up to 5 more Basic Pokémon face down on your bench.
Put the top 6 cards of your deck into your Prize card pile.
Both players flip their Active and Benched Pokémon face up and start the game.

Parts of a Turn: (Each turn has three main parts)
1) Draw a Card
2) (Do any of the following actions in any order).
Put Basic Pokémon cards from your hand onto your bench (as many as you like).
Evolve your Pokémon (as many as you want).-
Attach an Energy card from your hand to one of your Pokémon (once per turn).-
Play Trainer cards (as many as you want, but only ONE Supporter card and ONE Stadium card per turn).
Retreat your Active Pokémon (only once per turn).
Use Abilities (as many as you want).
3) ATTACK! Then, end your turn.
Zatu Score
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- Fantastic card art for the reprinted cards
- Some great staple cards
- Brilliant extras in the card sleeves and counters
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- Relatively low power level