Pocket Paragons: AEGIS

Pocket Paragons: AEGIS

RRP: £19.99
Now £10.15(SAVE 49%)
RRP £19.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Fast and portable action in your pocket! Pocket Paragons is an intense cross-over duelling game and can be over in an instant! Keep your guard up and your mind sharp! Each Pocket Paragons character is crazy different. What’s your playstyle? This box features characters from A.E.G.I.S Combining Robots. Get your powerful passive online and outpace your enemies! Featuring 6 dramatic…
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Category Tags , , SKU SGS-SGS-503 Availability Backorder
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Fast and portable action in your pocket! Pocket Paragons is an intense cross-over duelling game and can be over in an instant! Keep your guard up and your mind sharp! Each Pocket Paragons character is crazy different. What’s your playstyle?

This box features characters from A.E.G.I.S Combining Robots. Get your powerful passive online and outpace your enemies! Featuring 6 dramatically different characters.


6 Character decks ( Each 8-10 cards)

2 Punch Board Dials (one for each player)

8 Dividers

1 Sticker Sheet

1 Rulebook


Ainer & ARK-150

Play offensively. Once you have your Ultimate, you’ll never have to Recharge again.

Etwal & EXCEL-100

Recklessly burn your abilities for additional effects and hit harder while your enemy has more cards than you.

Gamound & GMD-100

Ready your Defend frequently and easily. Deal damage when you block attacks.

Ixa & IZA-100

Exhaust your opponent’s options with Stun effects. Counter specific cards for ATK boosts.

Stell & SOL-100

Bolster your ATK strategically to take advantage of your other effects.

Poppet & ELL-000

Recklessly attack your enemy at the cost of your own health. Bombs away!