Planet Apocalypse Board Game: Dragon Pack Expansion

Planet Apocalypse Board Game: Dragon Pack Expansion

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Planet Apocalypse is an exciting co-operative game for 1-5 players. It is the End Times, and the hordes of Hell are invading our world. Destroy the Hellgate & save our world! The players battle and kill demons as a team. The game is primarily a battle game, but also has a tower-defense element, and a roleplaying element as you build up your heroes over time.
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Category SKU ZBG-PETPAE2 Availability Out of stock
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Planet Apocalypse is an exciting co-operative game for 1-5 players. It is the End Times, and the hordes of Hell are invading our world. Destroy the Hellgate & save our world!

The players battle and kill demons as a team. The game is primarily a battle game, but also has a tower-defense element, and a roleplaying element as you build up your heroes over time.