Planet 006 Kaelyfos: Unsettled

Planet 006 Kaelyfos: Unsettled

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Expected Restock Date 01/05/2025
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Delve into the drifting, planet-sized head of an ancient being and attempt to access its lost memories for clues that could lead you home. Unsettled: Kaélyfos is the 6th planet box for “Unsettled”. Steel your stomach – and then get the heck out of here as fast as you can. This massive rotting head of an ancient being may hold the secrets you need to get home. Ques…
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Delve into the drifting, planet-sized head of an ancient being and attempt to access its lost memories for clues that could lead you home. Unsettled: Kaélyfos is the 6th planet box for "Unsettled".

Steel your stomach - and then get the heck out of here as fast as you can. This massive rotting head of an ancient being may hold the secrets you need to get home. Question is, can you bring yourself to acquire them? Elude the brutal bacterial creatures roaming (and eating) this rotting fleshland as you wander eyeballs, tongues and teeth in your attempt to find and tap into this massive creature's memories and figure out just where in the universe you might be. Be careful though, this planet-sized noggin doesn’t feature biology you’re used to, and in your attempts to pull memories you may mistakenly tap into nerves or glands that could flood you with chemicals that wildly impact your emotional and mental state. Kaelyfos is Free on Kickstarter when you add Strannos to your pledge.