Planet 003 Zehronn: Unsettled

Planet 003 Zehronn: Unsettled

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RRP £14.99
Expected Restock Date 01/04/2025
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Cautiously explore a crystalline crypt to commune with ancient beings and access long-forgotten secrets. Unsettled: Zehronn is the 3rd planet box for “Unsettled”. Zehronn is a cavernous labyrinth filled with ancient crystalline formations. Entombed throughout the crystals are the enormous bodies of a strange alien species. Oddly, there is no sound on this planet, which i…
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Cautiously explore a crystalline crypt to commune with ancient beings and access long-forgotten secrets. Unsettled: Zehronn is the 3rd planet box for "Unsettled".

Zehronn is a cavernous labyrinth filled with ancient crystalline formations. Entombed throughout the crystals are the enormous bodies of a strange alien species.

Oddly, there is no sound on this planet, which is somehow absorbed by the crystals. They act as a source of light however, with some kind of spiritual essence being absorbed from the remains of great beings from another time.

Things you may find here:
-Silent, Wailing Haze
-Crystalline Passageways
-Monolithic Presence
-Bottomless Crevass
-Uncanny Mechanical Traps