Planet 001 Wenora: Unsettled

Planet 001 Wenora: Unsettled

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Embrace your fungal hosts and discover mind-bending abilities beyond your imagination or be absorbed forever. Wenora is a bizarre and wondrous fungal jungle teeming with alien vegetation and gargantuan spore-based lifeforms. Growth in this place is of a scale beyond any we’ve encountered. Life drips and pulsates disturbingly, mysterious pastes and powders covering most of the …
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Embrace your fungal hosts and discover mind-bending abilities beyond your imagination or be absorbed forever.

Wenora is a bizarre and wondrous fungal jungle teeming with alien vegetation and gargantuan spore-based lifeforms.

Growth in this place is of a scale beyond any we've encountered. Life drips and pulsates disturbingly, mysterious pastes and powders covering most of the planet's crawling surfaces. Simply traversing the land is deeply unnerving, yet awe inspiring all the same. Tentacles, toxic spores and an alarming array of suction cups abound.

Things you may find here:
-Electromagnetic Polypores
-Incandescent Slime
-Floating Tentacle Knots
-Screaming Glow Frogs
-Telekinetic Microbe Clouds