Pirate Attack: WizKids Encounter in a Box

Pirate Attack: WizKids Encounter in a Box

RRP: 29.99
Now €29.97(SAVE 16%)
RRP €35.99
Expected Release Date 01/01/2025
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Avast, me hearties, pirates threaten the coastal townships! They evade the authorities at every turn, their cannon fire blackens the sky with smog, and they’ve got the good common folk running scared. Who be the brave landlubber to bring these scurvy dogs to justice? Will ye collect the bounty, or will ye walk the plank? Find out with Wizkids Encounter in a Box: Pirate Attack!…
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Category Tag SKU ZBG-WZK76507 Availability Available to Pre-Order
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Avast, me hearties, pirates threaten the coastal townships! They evade the authorities at every turn, their cannon fire blackens the sky with smog, and they've got the good common folk running scared. Who be the brave landlubber to bring these scurvy dogs to justice? Will ye collect the bounty, or will ye walk the plank? Find out with Wizkids Encounter in a Box: Pirate Attack!

You can even pair this sea-faring set with the Ship's Crew boxed set, Subterranean Lake game mat, or Spelunker's Docks to enhance your naval battles!

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