Phalanx Module: Great Battles of Alexander Exp

Phalanx Module: Great Battles of Alexander Exp

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Phalanx covers two of the major battles in the waning days of the Successor Wars, in which the Greek city-states and leagues and the descendants of the original Diadochoi were still fighting for Hellenic supremacy, and in which the phalanx – the massive, heavy infantry formation brought to peak efficiency by Alexander – was still in its heyday. The armies in these battle…
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Phalanx covers two of the major battles in the waning days of the Successor Wars, in which the Greek city-states and leagues and the descendants of the original Diadochoi were still fighting for Hellenic supremacy, and in which the phalanx - the massive, heavy infantry formation brought to peak efficiency by Alexander - was still in its heyday.

The armies in these battles are very Macedonian in style, with a lot of mixing of unit types and capabilities, with the exception that, because of the terrain, reliance on cavalry is almost non-existent. The phalanx itself was still the army's anchor, although it was only a generation away from its initial comeuppance at the hands of a Roman army at Cynoscephalae.

This product is included in the new Deluxe Edition of Great Battle of Alexander.