Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 3 - Amazing Fantasy (Paperback)

Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man Vol. 3 – Amazing Fantasy (Paperback)

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To prevent calamity befalling the timestream, Peter Parker has no choice but to travel back to a simpler time. One where he was a high schooler and his biggest problems were Flash Thompson, taking care of Aunt May and learning how to deal with the spider bite that turned him into the Spectacular Spider-Man! But when he comes face-to-face with his past self, Spidey will find that it …
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To prevent calamity befalling the timestream, Peter Parker has no choice but to travel back to a simpler time. One where he was a high schooler and his biggest problems were Flash Thompson, taking care of Aunt May and learning how to deal with the spider bite that turned him into the Spectacular Spider-Man! But when he comes face-to-face with his past self, Spidey will find that it isn't so easy to prevent mistakes he hasn't even made yet! Collecting: Spectacular Spider-Man 301-305