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Perigon is a two-player strategy game. Player One plays with two white-tipped Woods and two white-tipped Granites, and Player Two with two black-tipped Woods and two black-tipped Granites. The Flag is a communal piece. You move your pieces by rotating them clockwise or anti-clockwise in 90 degree arcs off the intersections of the grid. Players take alternate turns to make their play…
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Category SKU ZBG-CLA1090 Availability Out of stock
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Perigon is a two-player strategy game. Player One plays with two white-tipped Woods and two white-tipped Granites, and Player Two with two black-tipped Woods and two black-tipped Granites. The Flag is a communal piece. You move your pieces by rotating them clockwise or anti-clockwise in 90 degree arcs off the intersections of the grid. Players take alternate turns to make their plays. You have two moves per play to move your pieces. You can move the Flag as many times as you wish before, between or after your two main moves. However, you can only move the Flag by rotating it off any of your pieces on the board that it's connected to. Your Granites can shunt past your opponent's Woods, your own Woods and the Flag, but cannot shunt past other Granites..